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Millennials are suddenly saving their money

LinkedIn Kemeja Korporat  

Millennials are suddenly saving their money

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Trending among professionals in the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The World Bank is no longer supporting the oil and gas industries


The World Bank is starting to phase out its support for the oil and gas industries.

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The true measure of a leader is how they treat their employees, not their equals.

Oleg Vishnepolsky on LinkedIn

Years ago I lost my wallet with a bunch of cash, credit cards and a driver license with my address. Knock on my door - a total...

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Video: Member video highlight

This is what it looks like to dry ink on a deal I've been negotiating for nine months. TV get ready, here I come!

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Embracing our differences to make a difference

Charlotte Yarkoni on LinkedIn

There has been a lot of discussion across many industries regarding diversity and inclusion, or more importantly, the lack...

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About that Disgusting, Crude Boss

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The toxic workplace is much in the news, but what exactly is toxic? A reader writes in through email to describe what she thinks...

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5 trends in HR for 2018

Lorraine Murphy on LinkedIn

Happy 2018! While I was off over the break it was a good time to reflect on the year just passed and the one ahead. These are...

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Trending among professionals in the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

oBike and Grab partner up


Grab is co-branding oBikes and lending its digital payment system to the bike-sharing app, while more joint initiatives are...

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If You Want to Make Big Behavior Changes You Need to Start Small

Keith Ferrazzi on LinkedIn

We're all familiar with the idea of a "ripple effect." Literally, it describes the circles that emanate from an object dropped in...

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Amazon's first checkout-free grocery store opens on Monday


Using 'just walk out' technology to end queues, Amazon Go fires a warning to the high street

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7 Leadership/HR Lessons from Mahabharata

Nisha Buch on LinkedIn

Mahabharata is the longest epic in the world. It is believed that the epic holds answers to each and every quest an individual...

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After one year of Trump, Google CEO Sundar Pichai sounds a lot different about immigration — and that may be a good thing


Instead of fiery rhetoric, Pichai now preaches Google's 'constructive' role on immigration. But don't mistake...

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